GEEP Advisory Group


Case Studies

group photo of the post secondary team that participated in the program

This case study describes an urban and rural Indigenous land-based climate change education camp.

science fair poster about urban gardens with plants in front of it

This case study explores Student Action for a Sustainable Future, a comprehensive environmental education program for middle school students that takes place in the city of Saskatoon, the largest city in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan.

science fair poster about urban gardens with plants in front of it

此案例分析探討專為中學生所設計的全方位環保教育計畫「追求永續未來的學生行動」(Student Action for a Sustainable Future),此計畫在加拿大薩克其萬省 (S


Canadian Wildlife Federation
Council of Ministers of Education, Canada
CPAWS (Banff and Ottawa)
Ducks Unlimited - Canada
Earth Day Canada
Environment and Climate Change Canada
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Natural Resources Canada
North American Association for Environmental Education
Sierra Club (B.C.)
World Wildlife Fund – Canada


Case Studies

Photo of diary entries

The Eco-Picture Diary Environmental Education Project (EDEEP) was developed and introduced by Recycle Design, a Yokohama-based civil society organization, to inform students, their family members, and other citizens about particular socio-environmental issues and strategies in Yokohama City, Japa


Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)
Japan Environment Association
Japanese Society for EE
Ministry of the Environment
United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS)


Case Studies

Cover Page for GEEP Case Study on US-Taiwan Eco-Campus Partnerships

The U.S.-Taiwan Eco-Campus Partnership Program (EPP) seeks to build a clean and healthy living environment to achieve the goal of sustainable communities. EPP’s main objectives include:

This case study describes one country’s process of implementing a national environmental education act. The Taiwan Environmental Education Act (TEEA) was approved on June 5th, 2010 and went into effect the following year, on June 5th, 2011.


Environmental education has long been a national priority in Taiwan.



Central Environmental Education Regional Center
Chinese Society for Environmental Education
Dagon Elementary School
Department of Comprehensive Planning, Environmental Protection Administration (EPA)
Eastern Environmental Education Regional Center
Environmental Protection Administration, ROC (Taiwan)
Northern District Environmental Education Regional Center
Pie-Yuan Elementary School
Southern Environmental Education Regional Center

United Kingdom

Case Studies

This case study looks at the growth of the international Eco-Schools program in Northern Ireland as well as the challenges it faces in empowering our young people to be the drivers of behavior change for a sustainable world.


Ashden Awards
Association for Science Education
Butterfly Conservation
Centre for Alternative Technology
Charlton Manor Primary School
Circular Economy Club (CEC)
Council for Learning Outside the Classroom
Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs
Eco-Schools (Keep Britain Tidy)
Eco-Schools England at Keep Britain Tidy
Eco-Schools Programme
Geographical Association
Institute of Outdoor Learning
Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful
Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful
Learning through Landscapes
London Environmental Educators Forum
Manchester Environmental Education Network
National Association for Environmental Education (NAEE)
Permaculture Association
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
Sustainability and Environmental Education (SEEd)
University of Bath Centre for Research in Education and the Environment
Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust

United Arab Emirates

Case Studies

This case study describes the United Arab Emirates’ (UAE) Sustainable Schools Initiative, or Al Madaris Al Mustadama, which was designed to reduce the nation’s ecological footprint and help move environmental education from

此案例分析說明阿拉伯聯合大公國的永續校園行動方案 (Sustainable Schools In

This case study describes the successful work of Waterford Kamhlaba United World College, a high school in Swaziland, to develop and implement a sustainability and renewable energy plan.

此案例分析說明史瓦濟蘭一所高中「卡姆拉巴聯合世界書院」(Waterford Kamhlaba United World College) 發展及實踐永續性和可再生能源計畫的成就。


Environment Agency- Abu Dhabi


Case Studies

This case study presents an overview of ResourceSmart Schools, a well established Victorian Government program that helps a wide range of schools benefit from embedding sustainability into everything they do.

This case study explores how zoos might redevelop their education strategies to address 21st century conservation priorities while incorporating current best practices in education.


Australian Association for Environmental Education
Zoos Victoria

New Zealand

Case Studies

Students using virtual reality headsets to learn about life below water

BLAKE NZ-VR connects young people to the marine environment through a school roadshow using virtual reality (VR) headsets and 360-degree underwater videos.


Department of Conservation
Ministry for the Environment
New Zealand Association for Environmental Education (NZAEE)
Teachers’ Refresher Course Commission (TRCC)
Toimata Foundation


Case Studies

This case study describes a collaborative effort to integrate environmental and sustainability education into teacher education at a college experiencing water scarcity.


Association of Environmental Clubs of Botswana
Environmental Education Association of Southern Africa (EEASA)
Kalahari Conservation Society
Mokolodi Wildlife Foundations
University of Botswana
WENA Environmental Education and News Trust