William Scott
Professor Emeritus, University of Bath Centre for Research in Education and the Environment
William Scott is a Professor Emeritus of Education at the University of Bath, where he was head of its Education and Sustainability research program, Director of the Centre for Research in Education and the Environment, and a Deputy Director of the University’s Institute for Sustainable Energy and the Environment. He was founding editor of the Journal Environmental Education Research (1995), was editor of Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education from 1990 to 2008, and has been a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts for over 30 years. He has served as a director of the community interest company South West Learning for Sustainability Coalition, a trustee of the Wiltshire Wildlife Trust and the Forest of Avon Trust, and President of the UK’s National Association of Environmental Education [NAEE]. William’s research has focused on the role of learning in sustainable development, the contributions that education can make to this, and on the problems of researching the effectiveness of such activities. He has a particular interest in the practice of sustainable educational institutions.