Goal 3: Good Health and Well-Being

Teen using an air quality monitor


Teen using an air quality monitor

This case study describes how one community-based organization is engaging high school students in ongoing study and action learning toward the goal of improving air quality.

science fair poster about urban gardens with plants in front of it

此案例分析探討專為中學生所設計的全方位環保教育計畫「追求永續未來的學生行動」(Student Action for a Sustainable Future),此計畫在加拿大薩克其萬省 (S

science fair poster about urban gardens with plants in front of it

This case study explores Student Action for a Sustainable Future, a comprehensive environmental education program for middle school students that takes place in the city of Saskatoon, the largest city in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan.

Cover page of Rocking the Boat case study

Rocking the Boat is a non-profit organization that provides positive youth development programs for 14–18-year-old students in the South Bronx,  

Students at play

Outdoor preschools—schools where children spend the majority of the school day learning outdoors with a nature-focused curriculum—are growing rapidly in the United States.