Discussion Guide

Strengthening EE In Your Country: A Discussion Guide is designed to help you and your colleagues and partners answer the following questions and others.

  • What does a strong environmental education program in a country or region look like? 
  • How does a strong program link to the UN Sustainable Development Goals? 
  •  What needs to be in place to ensure that people of all ages have opportunities to develop the awareness, knowledge, skills, and motivations to tackle the environmental and social issues we face as a global society? 
  • What is the status of environmental education in your country or region? 
  • How does EE change our society, its values, and broader systems (such as economic, political, and educational) that share our interactions with the environment? 
  • How does EE in your country contribute to long-term social prosperity?

This guide will help you assess environmental education (EE) efforts in your country or region and how well your programming and policies address the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Use it to discuss where your strengths are, what gaps might exist, and how to make improvements. 

Read the Discussion Guide