Climate change education (CCE) has emerged as a critical tool that we can use to inform and empower people to engage in meaningful actions and community-based eforts aimed at addressing climate cha
Historically, most environmental education programming has been designed for kindergarten and subsequent years, missing the critical developmental windows available to educators in children younger
Environmental education builds on many tenets of positive youth development (PYD), including the idea that young people have personal assets and skills that should be fostered and developed.
Environmental education happens in many places—inside and outside of school, in the home and community, online and in person—and case studies reflect this diversity.
As educators, our challenge is to provide tools, resources, and multiple opportunities for people of all ages and socio-demographics to learn about the ocean and how we are inextricably interconnec
Welcome to Environmental Education in Action—a collection of case studies and educational approaches that demonstrates the powerful role environmental educa
A fundamental pillar in marine conservation is an informed community, including not only students and coastal inhabitants, but also decision-makers, journalists, and everybody who benefits from mar
In the state of Washington, quality early childhood education is in high demand, with more children in need of care and education than seats in classrooms.