Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
The circular economy is designed to provide an alternative to the current, linear economy where consumers take, produce, consume, and waste resources.
Environmental education has long been a national priority in Taiwan.
This case study describes the United Arab Emirates’ (UAE) Sustainable Schools Initiative, or Al Madaris Al Mustadama, which was designed to reduce the nation’s ecological footprint and help move environmental education from
This case study presents an overview of ResourceSmart Schools, a well established Victorian Government program that helps a wide range of schools benefit from embedding sustainability into everything they do.
The Science Express Climate Action Special (SECAS) is a one-of-a-kind mobile science exhibition led by the Government of India’s Department of Science & Technology (DST) and managed by the Vikram A. Sarabhai Community Science Centre (VASCSC).
此案例分析探討專為中學生所設計的全方位環保教育計畫「追求永續未來的學生行動」(Student Action for a Sustainable Future),此計畫在加拿大薩克其萬省 (S
This case study explores Student Action for a Sustainable Future, a comprehensive environmental education program for middle school students that takes place in the city of Saskatoon, the largest city in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan.
The Eco-Picture Diary Environmental Education Project (EDEEP) was developed and introduced by Recycle Design, a Yokohama-based civil society organization, to inform students, their family members, and other citizens about particular socio-environmental issues and strategies in Yokohama City, Japa
The U.S.-Taiwan Eco-Campus Partnership Program (EPP) seeks to build a clean and healthy living environment to achieve the goal of sustainable communities. EPP’s main objectives include:
BLAKE NZ-VR connects young people to the marine environment through a school roadshow using virtual reality (VR) headsets and 360-degree underwater videos.