GEEP Membership

Become part of a collective voice for EE: Apply to become a GEEP organizational member!

GEEP membership

The GEEP Organizational Membership is open to organizations from all sectors who are committed to using environmental education as a core strategy to advance their work.  As a collective, we hope to build a learning network of organizations who can amplify the impact of environmental education to create lasting change.

GEEP membership is free of charge, and to participate, organizations should meet the following criteria:

  • Have an interest in supporting the vision and mission of the GEEP by sharing best practices, resources, ideas, and opportunities
  • Have a commitment to collaborate with other GEEP members on issues related to sharing best practices, resources, and policy initiatives that support environmental education
  • Be active and vocal supporters of EE in their countries and around the world

Interested organizations apply here!


GEEP organizational membership benefits include:

  • Access to members only opportunities, including an annual call for nominations to join the GEEP Advisory Group, opportunities to share your organization’s work through the GEEP newsletter and other outlets, and opportunities to apply for discounted registration to the NAAEE international conference
  • Access to a network of environmental education leaders from around the world
  • Listing of your organization’s profile on, along with a membership badge
  • Access to environmental education resources, best practices, and opportunities
  • Greater support for the field of environmental education by amplifying your voice through a global network


GEEP organizational membership commitments include:

  • Support and promote the mission of the GEEP
  • Share resources, best practices, ideas, and opportunities
  • Help to recruit new GEEP member organizations
  • Contribute to GEEP content (newsletters, updates, case studies, country profiles, etc.) to share perspectives from your region
  • Keep us updated on your organizational profile 

Interested organizations apply here!


GEEP Members