Become a vocal advocate for EE, and make environmental education's contributions to society more explicit to encourage higher levels of public support. Promote key messages about the value of environmental education to learners, leaders, and other sectors of society.
Here's a sample of the feedback from the global community:
- "Develop talking points and messages that all EE organizations and leaders can use in promoting their work so that we have a common message. The value of EE has never been clearly and concisely articulated for communicating with others."
- "Provide key messages and promotional templates that national, state/provincial and local organizations could use."
- "Identify influencers from outside 'traditional EE' and work to equip them to inspire others to get involved"
- "Make the case for how EE can more fully engage students, create authentic learning opportunities, help standards become more relevant, connect with community, and build a sense of agency."
- "Promote the research that shows that EE 'works'. And use the research creatively to tell our story."
- "Identify and build relationships with decision makers and influencers in government, business, foundations, and universities. Reach out to leaders in complementary fields and look for opportunities to partner."
- "Develop a set of clear, easily digestible messages and talking points that highlight the value of environmental education."
- "Publish op-eds, stories, and other pieces that show how education is creating change at all levels—and highlight the many approaches that are yielding high-impact results. Use research that shows that EE is effective in changing attitudes and promoting action."
- "Integrate EE into all formal and nonformal educational systems around the world and promote its value to learners and society."
- "We need more case studies showing how EE contributed to positive community change from all parts of the world."
- "Take every opportunity to be a champion for the work we do. Don't be shy—we should be proud of what our field has accomplished."