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    Global E-STEM Awards—Apply by July 8!

    The Global E-STEM Awards are back and once again recognizing excellence and innovation in E-STEM with awards up to $50,000 USD!

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    2024 Youth Innovation Challenge: Advancing Marine Conservation!

    This year's Youth Innovation Challenge invited applicant's to propose solutions to address marine issues, including loss of biodiversity, marine debris, lack of awareness, and other related issues, and support people of all ages to be engaged stewards to support marine environments.

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    GEEP Strategic Plan, 2023-2028

    Read the 2023-2028 Strategic Plan for the GEEP. As the GEEP continues to develop, we will regularly reassess and update these strategies.

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    Strengthening EE In Your Country: A Discussion Guide

    We are excited to share Strengthening EE In Your Country: A Discussion Guide. This guide is designed to help you advance environmental education in your country and is organized it into several sections to help you reflect on what’s happening in your own country and to learn more about what’s happening in other parts of the world.

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    New GEEP Case Study

    Curious about EE's role in fostering harmony between people and wildlife? See GEEP's latest case study on dusky langur conservation in Malaysia!

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    New E-Book Chapter: The Global Evolution of Ocean Literacy

    Be sure to read our new E-Book chapter which explores ocean literacy and analyzes challenges and opportunities for engaging global citizens in an expanding ocean literacy campaign!

  • About the Global Environmental Education Partnership (GEEP): A Global Learning Network

    Watch this video to learn more about GEEP and the importance of environmental education (EE).

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    Read the latest edition of GEEP News!

    The GEEP's bi-monthly newsletter feature's the latest news, spotlights, and other announcements on global environmental education.