Goal 4: Quality Education


Cover of GEEP Case Education for Conversation

Education for Conservation

Over 40 years ago, Zoos Victoria designed an education model that consisted of up to 20 school classes rotating through a specially designated area of the zoo, affectionately known as the Zoo Schoo


Cover of GEEP Case study Asian Pacific Islander Forward Movement (API Forward)

Air Quality Workshops for Urban Students

The mission of API Forward is to empower Asian and Pacific Islander communities in Los Angeles County to improve their health by addressing social, cultural, environmental, and polit


ResourceSmart Schools cover

ResourceSmart Schools

Engaging with primary and secondary schools across Government, Catholic and Independent sectors in the Victorian education system, the ResourceSmart Schools program provides a common framework


Water and Biodiversity Project cover

Water and Biodiversity Project

Botswana, as a member of the global village, is a signatory to various international environmental agreements and declarations, including the declaration of

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