
Table of Contents
Zambia recognizes the importance of EE through its National Environmental Action Plan (NEAP) and supports environmental educators through its professional association, Zambia Network for Environmental Educators and Practitioners (ZANEEP).
Policy & Practice
National Policy
Zambia has a number of pieces of Environmental Education legislation and most notable among them is the National Environmental Action Plan (NEAP), through which the government recognized the need to protect and maintain the welfare of the people by adopting appropriate policies in environmental management for current and future sustainable development. This need has also been expressed in many other government related policies.
EE in K-12 Education
Environmental Education (EE) is not widely included in the K-12 curriculum. However, the University of Zambia (UNZA) is one of the few South African countries which offers EE as a stand alone program of study.
Professional Development
The University of Zambia and other institutions that offer EE and EE related programmes do certify all their programmes. Professional development is also available through different EE networks and associations (e.g ZANEEP, SADC REEP and EEASA) which organize short trainings, conferences, workshops, and meetings.
Professional Organizations
The Zambia Network for Environmental Educators and Practitioners (ZANEEP) is the main association for EE in Zambia. It was established in 2002 on World Environmental Day. Zambia is also affiliated with the Environmental Education Association of Southern Africa (EEASA) through a voluntary membership based on a multi-organizational association of EE practitioners, researchers, policy makers and students from different institutions.
EE in the National Government
The Zambia Environmental Management Agency (ZEMA), established through the National Environmental Management Act. (EMA) No:12 of 2011, supports environmental education in Zambia.
National EE Campaigns and Funding
EE funding is mostly obtained through existing environmental programs of different governments, NGOs, and non-profit organizations and institutions. There is currently no standalone funding set aside in the national budget for EE programs.
Country Map