

Image of an African forest


Through its National Education for Sustainable Development Strategy and other national policies, Uganda has developed national priorities that include environmental education. Primary and secondary school students engage in environmental education through cross-curricular activities embedded within national curricula. Within higher education, several graduate programs relevant to environmental education exist at the university level. The National Environmental Management Authority, which is mandated to support environmental education in Uganda, offers training opportunities for teachers and teacher educators. Various civil society organizations promote environmental education capacity building within schools and communities. Environmental education in Uganda is funded in part by the national government, as well as through fundraising efforts by civil society organizations.

Policy & Practice

National Legislation

Environmental education appears in several legislative documents, including The National Environment Act (Chapter 153; Sections 6, 86 (i and e), and 87) and the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda. Uganda also has national formal and non-formal environmental education strategies, which were incorporated into the National Education for Sustainable Development Strategy. Other legislation relevant to EE includes the National Forestry and Tree Planting Act (2003) and the Government White Paper on Education (1992).

EE in K-12 Education

The National Curriculum Development Centre has integrated EE using a cross-curricular approach in all subjects in the Primary School Curriculum. Integration of EE in the Secondary Curriculum is ongoing through career subjects.

Professional Development

While Uganda does not have a certification program for environmental educators, several graduate programs exist at the university level. In addition, The National Environmental Management Authority through its Directorate of District Support Coordination and Public Education organizes training-of-trainers programs for environmental educators in schools and teacher training colleges. The Uganda National Commission for UNESCO also organizes capacity-building programs for teachers. Civil society organizations organize and conduct capacity-building programs for communities and local schools.


EE in the National Government

The Directorate of District Support Coordination and Public Education at the National Environmental Management Authority is mandated to support environmental education in Uganda.

National EE Campaigns and Funding

While there is not a specific budget for environmental education at national level, the National Environmental Management Authority allocates some funds for environmental education activities. Other actors such as the Uganda National Commission for UNESCO and civil society organizations engage in environmental education fundraising endeavors.

Country Map