

Image of water buffalo


Although Tanzania does not have a specific environmental education policy, support for EE exists through the 2014 National Education Policy that designates EE as a cross-cutting topic to be incorporated into existing curricula. In addition, schools are increasingly joining the Eco-Schools program, established by the Tanzania Forest Conservation Group (TFCG) in 2016. Government departments and NGOs, such as TFCG, provide training and professional development to teachers across the region.

Policy & Practice

National Legislation

Environmental education is recognized as a cross-cutting issue in Tanzania within the 2014 National Education Policy. This policy includes an objective stating that ‘at all levels of education, pupils will obtain knowledge, skills and a culture of protecting the environment.’  As a result of this policy, the Government established the Environmental Education for Sustainable Development strategy to integrate environmental and conservation education content at all grade levels; however, this strategy has not been updated since 2014.

The National Environmental Policy of 1997 also refers to environmental education, recognizing that EE in school curricula creates an environmental awareness that supports responsible environmental care and discourages attitudes that are incompatible with sustainable lifestyles.

Under the National Environmental Management Act, the National Environmental Management Council was given responsibility to ‘undertake or promote general environmental educational programmes for the purpose of creating an enlightened public opinion regarding the environment and the role of the public in its protection and improvement’.

EE in K-12 Education

EE is intended to be integrated into the curriculum as a cross-cutting theme across all grade levels. Forty four schools participate in the Eco-Schools program.

Professional Development

Professional development opportunities are available through various NGOs. For example, Tanzania Forest Conservation Group (TFCG) has trained 250 teachers from over 100 primary schools since 2011. Training is also available from Ward Education Coordinators and District Education Officers. 


Professional Associations

In 2016, Tanzania Forest Conservation Group (TFCG) became an Associate Member of the Foundation for Environmental Education, and established the Eco-Schools Program. So far, the Eco-schools program has been introduced in 44 schools in the Morogoro and Iringa regions. When schools join the Eco-schools program, they become linked with the international network of eco-schools.

EE in the National Government 

There is an Environmental Education Coordinator in the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology. There is also the Directorate of Environmental Information, Communication and Outreach (DEICO) within the National Environmental Management Council.              

National EE Campaigns and Funding

EE is considered a cross-cutting issue in the education policy and is included in general funding to all schools.

Additionally, The Eastern Arc Mountains Conservation Endowment Fund (EAMCEF) is a Trust Fund that was established to provide long-term and reliable funding support for Community Development, Biodiversity Conservation and Applied Research Projects. These projects promote the biological diversity, ecological functions, and sustainable use of natural resources in the Eastern Arc Mountains of Tanzania.  EAMCEF provides funding for environmental awareness school programs in the Eastern Arc Mountains of Tanzania.

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