

Image of a city skyline.


Qatar has shown a commitment to national environmental sustainability through the Qatar National Vision 2030, which includes a priority to develop an environmentally aware population. In line with this vision, government ministries, non-profits, and regional and international networks have supported the implementation of environmental education and sustainable schools, including a wide variety of professional development opportunities for environmental and education professionals.

Policy & Practice

National Policy

The Qatar National Vision aims at transforming Qatar into an advanced country by 2030, capable of sustaining its own development and providing for a high standard of living for all of its people for generations to come, stating that “Qatar will meet the needs of this generation without compromising the needs of future generations.” The Qatar National vision rests on four pillars: Human Development, Social Development, Economic Development and Environmental Development.

The environment development pillar aims to preserve and protect the environment, including air, land, water and biological diversity, through: 

  • An environmentally aware population that values the preservation of the natural heritage of Qatar and its neighboring states 
  • An agile and comprehensive legal system that protects all elements of the environment, responding quickly to challenges as they arise 
  • Effective and sophisticated environmental institutions that build and strengthen public awareness about environmental protection, and encourage the use of environmentally sound technologies. These institutions will also conduct awareness raising campaigns, employ environmental planning tools, and carry out environmental research

EE in K-12 Education

To comply with the Qatar National Vision 2030, the Qatar Ministry of Education and Higher Education has included several topics in its science curriculum related to energy and water efficiency, renewable energy sources, climate change, and local flora and fauna.

Professional Development

There are a number of environmental education professional opportunities in Qatar.

At the university level:

  • Qatar university offers undergraduate and postgraduate Environmental sciences programs. 
  • Hamad Bin Khalifa University, offers graduate and postgraduate programs like Master and PhD in sustainable energy and sustainable environment,
  • Qatar Foundation Universities offer environment and sustainable undergraduate courses: Virginia Commonwealth University Qatar , Texas A&M Qatar, Carnegie Mellon University Qatar, Georgetown University Qatar.

Non-profit organizations:

  • Qatar Green Building Council, offers a variety of workshops for professionals in various sustainability rating standards for professional accreditation like the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) rating system, WELL 
  • Green Classroom Professional workshops to certify teachers and school staff to manage their classrooms, schools in a more environmentally sound way and convey the message to their students.
  • Global Organization for Research and Development (GORD), which offers a certification for professionals in the design and construction field in the Global Sustainability Assessment System (GSAS) rating system.

Qatar also hosts a number of annual prestigious conferences. Conferences are an accessible platform to share research papers, experiences recent trends and knowledge with professionals and the community:


National Associations

Qatar is affiliated with a number of regional and international associations, including:

  • UNESCO: ASPnet in Qatar allied with the Ministry of Education and Higher Education as a driver for innovation and quality in education to implement and educate a number of independent schools through effective tools for reaching target 4.7 on Global Citizenship Education (GCED) and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) of Sustainable Development Goal 4 - Education 2030.
  • Foundation For Environmental Education (FEE): Qatar Green Building Council, as their national operator in Qatar, is promoting the Eco-Schools Program (
  • UN Habitat: With Qatar Green Building Council as their strategic partner conduct the Urban Thinker Campus on a yearly basis to share knowledge and practices for a socially and environmentally sustainable human settlement development (
  • WGBC, a non profit organization and a global network of National Green Building Councils.
  • U.S. Green Building Council: With Qatar Green Building Council as an educational partner in Qatar, conduct year-round workshops (

EE in National Government

Environmental education in Qatar is supported by multiple government ministries:

  • Qatar Ministry of Education and Higher Education (
  • Qatar Ministry of Public Health (
  • Qatar Ministry of Environment and Municipalities (
  • ASHGHAL Qatar, the public works authority where it is mandatory to design and construct schools up to the GSAS rating system, promoting the benefits of green buildings for students and environment (

National EE Campaigns and Funding

Much of the environmental education initiatives in Qatar are funded or supported by the national government, in collaboration with national and international non-profits.

Country Map