

Image of a person walking through a forest


Liberia is situated in the center of the Upper Guinea Rainforest Region and has a predominantly equatorial climate. The country’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is central to environmental education efforts and has worked in collaboration with the Ministry of Education (MOE) and international organizations (e.g. UNEP, UNDP) to craft curriculums and implement awareness campaigns.

Policy & Practice

National EE Legislation 

Liberia’s National Environmental Policy (2002) was passed to ensure the protection and improvement of the county’s physical environment, the quality of life for its citizens, and to establish a coordinated approach between economic development and the sustainable management of natural resources. A specific objective of this policy is to “raise public awareness and promote understanding of the essential linkages between socio-economic development and environmental protection and to ensure that environmental knowledge becomes an integral part of the education system.”

Article 7, Chapter 2 of Liberia’s 1986 Constitution calls for maximum feasible participation of the Liberian people in the management of the national natural resources.

EE in K-12 Education

The Ministry of Education’s general objectives for science in grades 1–6 and 7–9 are to: 

  • Acquire the fundamental facts, concepts, principles and theories of science
  • Develop basic scientific skills and competencies
  • Utilize digital technology to conduct research for systematic investigation to establish facts and process information for problem solving
  • Embrace positive scientific values and attitudes that make for peaceful coexistence in society.
  • Develop a love for science

Science curriculum topics for Grades 1–6 include (but are not limited to) rocks, soil, air, and water, animal classification, and living and non-living things.

Science curriculum topics for Grades 7–9 include (but are not limited to) energy, environmental science, and soil science.

In grades 10–12, the national curriculum evolves from general science to include biology, chemistry, geography, and physics. 

Liberia’s National Curriculums can be downloaded here.

Professional Development and Certification 

While professional development opportunities for environmental educators in Liberia are limited, they may receive training and workshop opportunities from active NGOs and nonprofit organizations. 

In 2019, the University of Liberia inaugurated the School of Environmental Studies and Climate Change, which offers both undergraduate and graduate academic programs, and additionally offers community building support and disseminates information through training and technical assistance provision.


National Associations

Liberia does not currently have a national environmental education association. However, NGOs, nonprofits and academic institutions often work in collaboration to share information, findings, and opportunities related to environmental education.

EE in the National Government 

The EPA and MOE are the government agencies most dedicated to supporting environmental education. In 2020, these two agencies developed “Environmental Awareness Curriculum/Modules for Secondary Schools in Liberia.” This resource contains many different learning activities and details their objectives and pedagogical approaches.

National EE Campaigns and Funding

Consistent funding for environmental education in Liberia is a challenge. Funding for such initiatives generally comes from international development/aid organizations such as UNEP, the African Development Bank, and USAID. National funding primarily comes from the EPA of Liberia. 

The EPA and UNDP have previously partnered on national environmental campaigns, such as the 2022 Two-Day Environmental Awareness Campaign in Gbarnga, Bong County.

Country Map