Zaineb Akbarally


Zaineb Akbarally

Zaineb Akbarally | Colombo, Sri Lanka


Blue Carbon Toolkit: Addressing and Combating Climate Change through Mangrove Restoration

Mangroves are critically important ecosystems for addressing climate change because of their ability to store carbon. Unfortunately, more than 50% of Sri Lanka’s mangrove habitat was destroyed in the late 1990s to establish prawn aquaculture projects. Lack of awareness regarding climate change and the importance of mangrove ecosystems has led to ongoing conversion to aquaculture uses. This project addresses the awareness issue and proposes creating a Blue Carbon toolkit for use with school children living in Sri Lanka’s coastal belt. The toolkit would focus on the construction, monitoring, and maintenance of mangrove nurseries at the school. With the involvement of key project partners Wildlife and Nature Protection Society of Sri Lanka and the Department of Wildlife Conservation, Zaineb Akbarally hopes to eventually expand the project from schools into the broader community. 

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