Silvia Fátima Loayza Solórzano


 Silvia Fátima Loayza Solórzano

Silvia Fátima Loayza Solórzano | Piñas, Ecuador)


ative Bee Plan: Meliponicultura as Part of a Sustainable Environmental Education

The Melipónidos, a species of stingless bees native to Ecuador, is one of the many species at risk from pollution, development, and other environmental factors. Important to the pollination of Ecuador’s native flora, the Melipónidos are in need of critical protection and conservation efforts. Silvia Fátima Loayza Solórzano proposes to share knowledge and sustainable management practices by creating programs for community members to experience hands-on education with Melipónidos apiaries. In addition to its environmental education component, Solórzano’s solution would seek to address the conservation and reforestation of critical ecosystems in Ecuador.

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