Chidimma Anastasia Chima & Benedict Chima


Chidimma Anastasia Chima & Benedict Chima

Chidimma Anastasia Chima & Benedict Chima | Abuja, Nigeria


Blue Rescue: Creating Awareness, Preserving Marine Biodiversity Through Recycling Waste Plastics to Reduce Marine Debris

Marine debris isn't a stand-alone problem, and addressing it is a necessary step for the conservation of marine biodiversity. The problem of marine debris is worse in low-income communities, where waste management facilities are inadequate and a dedicated subject/curriculum for environmental studies in schools is absent. For these reasons, dumping of garbage is a norm in Chidimma and Benedict's community, whether dumping waste directly in open spaces (where the garbage gets washed away by rain into rivers) or into drainages and rivers. Their innovation includes introducing environmental education into the school’s curriculum and creating a plastic waste collection program. This initiative will include hosting weekend street carnivals featuring an ocean awareness song, working with traditional and political leaders to recruit Zero Waste Ambassadors for each street, and handing out free copies of a marine awareness book that Chidimma wrote, among other community-focused initiatives. Chidimma and Benedict aim to replicate this project across 20 communities around their area.

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