
Benji Moorhouse

Benji Moorhouse

Senior Advisor, Intergenerational Change Ministry for the Environment

Tēnā koutou, I whānau mai ahau ki raro i te maunga o Bradgate I tipu ake ahau ki ngā tahataha o te awa Soar Nō Ingarangi ōku tūpuna, engari ko Aotearoa tōku kainga ināianei. Kō ngā tangata Māori ngā mana whenua o ēnei motu. Nō reira, Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou tēnā koutou, katoa I was born under the mountain of Bradgate I grew up on the banks of the River Soar My ancestors are from Great Britain, but my home is now New Zealand. Māori are the mana whenua of these islands I call home. Greetings to you all.

Dr. Benji Moorhouse currently works at the Ministry for the Environment on best-practice youth engagement and the inclusion of youth voice into government policy development. He leads the Ministry's involvement in the Cross-Government Youth Action Plan, Child and Youth Wellbeing, and Environmental Education for Sustainability strategies. He has a background in environmental education and has previously worked for the Department of Conservation in a team that supports teachers, students, environmental education organizations, and communities to use nature as a context for teaching and learning and take-action for our environment.